Month: December 2014

Dec 31

My Utmost for His Highest

“Our present enjoyment of God’s grace is apt to be checked by the memory of yesterday’s sins and blunders. But God is the God of our yesterdays, and He allows the memory of them in order to turn the past into a ministry of spiritual culture for the future. God reminds us of our past lest we get into a shallow security in the present. … Our yesterdays present irreparable things to us; it is […]

Dec 23

My Utmost for His Highest

“Every now and again, Our Lord lets us see what we would be like if it were not for Himself; it is a justification of what He said– ‘Without Me ye can do nothing.’ That is why the bedrock of Christianity is personal, passionate devotion to the Lord Jesus.” –Oswald Chambers –Galatians 6:14

Absence at Christmastime


Last night at church, we sang a new Christmas song about the King of Kings being born and now known to the world (well, this seems obvious since it was, after all, a song about Baby Jesus!–lols).  But the song was also about rejoicing for the first arrival of the one who will defeat our enemy and how we wait for his second arrival.  And oddly enough, as we sung the song, I felt sad!  […]

Dec 21

My Utmost for His Highest

“Never nourish an experience which has not God as its Source and faith in God as its result. If you do, your experience is anti-Christian, no matter what visions you may have had. Is Jesus Christ Lord of your experiences, or do you try to lord it over Him? … There comes a time when God will make you impatient with your own experience–I do not care what I experience; I am sure of Him.” […]

Dec 15

My Utmost for His Highest

“If you cannot express yourself on any subject, struggle until you can. If you do not, someone will be poorer all days of his life. Struggle to reexpress some truth of God to yourself, and God will use that expression to someone else. … Try to state to yourself what you feel implicitly to be God’s truth, and you give God a chance pass it on to someone else through you. … The author who […]

Dec 14

My Utmost for His Highest

“Whenever you obey God, His seal is always that of peace, the witness of an unfathomable peace, which is not natural, but the peace of Jesus. Whenever peace does not come, tarry till it does or find out the reason it does not.” –Oswald Chambers –John 14:27

Dec 2

My Utmost for His Highest

“It is a snare to imagine that God wants to make us perfect specimens of what He can do; God’s purpose is to make us one with Himself. … I am called to live in perfect relation to God so that my life produces longing for God in other lives, not admiration for myself.” –Oswald Chambers –Philippians 3:12 –John 17:23